#Superpowered modded code
>: Added better code to enable the AI to train units more frequently and even faster when AI Aggressiveness slider is not all the way to the left. (AI Countries will Order a unit from another Country if it does not have any designs for that type of unit, or if it can find a better alternative on the black market.) >: Added missing code to enable the AI to build or buy units If they can afford to (lots of units!).
#Superpowered modded Patch
>: ADDITION: Non-Admin players can now change game speed and AI aggression once per month.ĭownload SuperPower 2 Unofficial Patch v1.5.3b >: Unofficial SuperPower 2 AI can now also help human players if LazyHomosepians is set to 1 inside "Server.txt" and the in-game Advisor for that player is set to Automatic. >: I will now be able to build or buy units during war time. (Mod source code will soon be publicly available and easy to modify or add to other projects.) >: Improved Patch performance by replacing redundant lines of code with faster code and by tweaking. (You will see how much a country borrows and how much it pays back each month). >: Updated GLOBAL BANK: Data will be logged to "Server" console so you know what's happening. Changing the global tax modifier in-game will set all sector taxes to the entered input.) (If MaxGlobalTaxMod/MaxResourceTax in "Server.txt" is 0 then the global tax modifier in-game will be limited to 0. >: Added MaxGlobalTaxMod and MaxResourceTax to Server.txt file. (This file will also be used for future additions to the game.) >: Added "Server.txt" for people to limit taxes to desired values. (No magic tricks here just AI making better choices on budget cuts) >: AI will favour research more than previously & will spend more money on reasearch. (AI countries will buy many units from other countries if it suits them)

>: AI will now save more money to improve resource productions and to build a bigger army. >: Improved AI Unit Production: AI will no longer clog up a countrie's production queue if constantly ordering units from that country. (now you can save power while there are no human palyers in-game). >: Added PowerSaving Mode: Time will not progress until there is at least one human playing on the server. >: Ai will now get a 1% chance to nuclearize country when ai aggression is maxed, and it can afford to. Now you will be able to see that all AI countries will train their units often or instantly depending on the AI aggression slider.) (this addresses the problem of official SuperPower 2 Engine not calling it's member functions or doing so too late. >: All units of AI controlled countries will now be trained without waiting for ehe objectives to trigger them.